Subordinate Chapter OES Logo Montana Stars Thursday,
August 12, 1999

Montana Stars is an e-newsletter that began on Thursday, August 12, 1999.  It contains information of general interest to all Eastern Star members.

Sadness and Sickness and Distress -
When deaths occur, we are able to quickly notify members and advise of funeral arrangements.  We also report illnesses and other items of distress so that we "may give to our Sisters and Brothers, sympathy in their sorrows and aid in their misfortunes."

On the Road with our WGM -
The agenda for the week is provided to encourage members to visit surrounding Chapters.

Special Events -
Chapters submit information about upcoming Friendship Nights, anniversaries and other events, inviting all to come visit and join in the fun.

Reports on Events -
Following Official Visitations, Friendship Nights, and other activities, reports appear in the newsletter.  Members who were unable to attend the event can read about it in the newsletter.

Special Requests -
Chapters have solicited for Chapter furniture, members have requested items for special projects from previous years, and others have requested programs or skits.  It is sharing and networking at it's best.

Special Recognition -
Members have been recognized in the newsletter when awards were received for their labors in Eastern Star, the Masonic family and other personal achievements.  We share information about the good fortunes of our members.

Success -
The newsletter has become very popular and includes subscribers from outside of Montana. They range from Washington to New Hampshire, California to Florida, Hawaii, Canada, Puerto Rico and Tasmania.

Jokes and Cute Stories Not Included -
The cute stories, jokes and scam warnings that are on the Internet are not included in the newsletter.  They circulate quite well without any additional help.  With the exception of the OES colored Logo, attachments are not included with the newsletter.

To Subscribe -
If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, complete the subscription FORM and submit it to be added to the mailing list.  Please include the name and number of your Chapter and if outside of Montana, include your city and state.  Spam filters cause problems for the newsletter, so please include an alternate means of contacting you, such as phone numbers (home, work, cell) and a postal mailing address.  Subscription is by request only.  If you submit the names of other individuals,
be sure it is at their request
Computer Nerd typing at the computer
Waving USA Flag Date Last Updated:  Waving Montana State Flag